Tiffany Williamson Poker

Of the remaining contenders, just one is a woman: Tiffany Williamson from London, currently seventh in the money list with $1,992,000 in with a great shout of pulling off an unprecedented double. Tiffany Williamson doesn't fit the profile of the typical poker player; she's British, she's black and she's a woman. But her budding accomplishments at the poker table are being admired by both amateurs and professionals alike. Williamson is a corporate attorney working in London for the top-ranked international firm of Davis, Polk and Wardwell. Tiffany Williamson: $205,389: 3: Elisabeth Hille: $198,164: 4: Annette Obrestad: $167,440. Caesars also owns the World Series of Poker® and the London Clubs.

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