Craps Rolling 7
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One of the most fundamental bets in the game of craps, the Pass bet is the one most often chosen by players at the beginning of each game of craps. Pass bets are made on the Pass Line during the come out roll – the first roll of the dice made in a game of craps. Roll a 7 or 11 and you win even money. Roll a 2, 3 or 12 and you lose. While the average craps roll ends in a seven out after eight tosses, Demauro soon left that benchmark in the dust. Every time she threw the dice, a number showed up to pay off bets across the table — all of them except the dreaded 7 which ends the roll.
22 members have voted
Just wondering what craps players have seen along these lines. Anyone know of a 'record no-7'?

the shooter held the dice for more than an hour but surprisingly made few passes in that hour
and no 7s during the come-out rolls either, right?
I also marvel at how a good long hand can have not that many passes ... OR fail to hit any of my numbers generally
Craps Chance Of Rolling 7
I had the last Southwest flight of of Vegas to Phoenix and I was worried that I wan't going to make the I was almost hoping he would 7 out.
The game slowed down to a crawl. Three deep around the table. There was very heavy action at the opposite end of the table. Dude probably made the point 20 times and rolled tons of numbers. Had the dice for what seemed well over an hour and a half, maybe longer.
Of course I didn't cash super big because I kept thinking the hammer was coming out. Pressed a little but didn't have the balls to leave more money out. Hindsight.
When he did finally crap the table gave the dude a huge ovation and lots of tips came his way including 2 pinks.
My buddy did well and was so liquored up that he insisted on tipping the pilot on the trip back to Phoenix.
and no 7s during the come-out rolls either, right?
I dont recall ANY sevens being thrown... until the very last throw of the dice for that shooter. And as I said, that would mean about 70 minutes of throwing without a 7.
As strange as it sounds, I once held the dice and rolled and rolled and NEVER threw a 7. Not on the come out , and not on my final throw either.
It was about 8 years ago and I drove up on a Friday night with a date. We reached Caesars at about midnight... and our room wasn't ready. 'Okay,' I said to the check in clerk, 'I'll be at the craps tables.'
Off we went... and my girlfriend was not happy at all. There was a craps table open with no players. She sat in a chair dozing off as I picked up the dice and rolled and rolled. I rolled for about 20 minutes when a manger from check-in came over and said the room was ready.

'Let's go NOW' the girlfriend said with authority that meant if I did not go right then I would not be sleeping in that room for the rest of the weekend.
So I took my bets down, colored up what was in my rail. left the passline bet (I could not remove it) and said 'it's for the dealers' and went to the room.
No seven ever rolled. Not on the come out, and not when I was 'done.'
Jerry 'Stickman' rolled 76 times without a 7 either on the come-out rolls or during the point segment. As many of our readers know, 'Stickman' is an elite dice controller. That's the most I ever saw. (We usually have someone keep track of the sevens if the shooter never sets for a seven.) Sadly, the 77th number rolled was a seven --- kind of poetic. This occurred at Bellagio in 2008 before I was banned.
I had an hour before we had to leave for the airport, and I got on a table with just a few players.
The shooter set the point of 8 and made that point after a couple of rolls. He then rolled a couple of 7s on the Come Out roll.

45 minutes later, I am sweating, needing to leave for the airport, but unwilling to leave. It was a relief when the 7 came.
I didn't have much on the table ($75 each on 5/9, and $90 each on 6/8). Getting paid $105 each time
Total win on his roll was $3500, so the minimum number of throws he had was 45 or so (I took a long time to press to $90 back then)
Craps Rolling 7
i was so excited to get to a casino.... i thought it would be like taking money
from a baby...... however at the casino next time it was like every other roll
was a 7.
Craps Odds Of Rolling 7
Craps seems like a complicated game because there are so many terms and slang for different bets. Learning the lingo can help you understand the game.
Craps Odds Rolling 7
- 2-Way: Player betting one roll wager for himself AND the dealers.
- 3-Way Craps: A bet made in units of 3 with one unit on 2, one unit on 3, and one unit on 12.
- Aces: Betting that the next roll will be the total sum of 2. Also called Snake Eyes.
- Any Craps: A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, or 12.
- Any Seven: A bet that the next roll will be 7.
- Big Red: Another word for seven. Players will not use the world seven at the table.
- Black: Dealer slang for $100 gaming chips which in most casinos are black.
- Bones: Another name for dice.
- Boxcars: Slang for the 12. Also called midnight.
- Boxman: Table supervisor who sits between the dealers and opposite the stickman.
- Box Numbers: These are the place bet numbers; 4-5-6-8-9-10.
- Boys or The Boys: Slang for the Dealers.
- Cold Dice: Expression used to describe the table when no one is making their point.
- Color In: What you say when cashing out smaller valued chips for larger valued chips when leaving the craps table.
- Come bet: A bet made after the point is established. It is exactly like a pass line bet.
- Come out roll: The first roll of the dice to establish a point.
- Comp: Complimentary or freebies provided to players based on their action.
- Crap Numbers: The numbers 2,3 and 12.
- Craps Check: Betting on any craps during the come out roll to hedge your pass line bet.
- Don't Come bet: A don't pass bet made after the point is established.
- Don't Pass bet: A bet that the shooter will not make his point.
- Double odds: An odds bet that is twice the size of the original pass/come bet. Some casinos offer higher odds.
- Eye in the Sky: Surveillance department or the cameras in the ceiling to watch the players and dealers.
- Front Line: Another name for a pass line bet.
- Garden: Slang for the field bet.
- George: A player who is a good tipper.
- Green: Dealer slang for $25 gaming chips which in most casinos are green.
- Hard Way: A bet on 4, 6, 8, or 10 that wins only if the dice roll as pairs; 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5.
- Hi-Lo: A one roll bet on 2 & 12
- Hi-Lo-Yo: A one roll bet on 2,12 & 11.
- Hop bet: A bet that the next roll will result in one particular combination of the dice, such as; 3-5. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 etc.
- Horn bet: A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 11, or 12, made in multiples of 4, with one unit on each of the numbers.
- Horn High bet: A bet made in multiples of 5 with one unit on 3 of the horn numbers, and two units on the 'high' number (number 12).
- Hot Dice or Hot Table: When players are winning or a player is rolling a lot of numbers.
- Inside Numbers: Place bets on the numbers 5-6 -8-9
- Lay bet: A bet that a 7 will be rolled before the number you are placing (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) comes up.
- Lay-Out: The printed area on the felt where wagers can be placed.
- Lay Odds: After a point has been established an additional odds bet can be made that will win if the original don't pass bet wins.
- Little Joe: Slang for a pair of twos or Hard 4.
- Marker: The plastic disk used to mark the point. One side is printed “on” and the other “off”.
- Mark the Point: The dealer puts the Puck on the layout to indicate the point number.
- Midnight: Slang for the 12. Also called box cars.
- Natural: A seven or 11 thrown on the come out roll for a winning bet.
- One Roll Bet: A bet in craps that is one or lost in a single roll.
- Odds Bet: An additional wager made in addition to the pass line bet.
- Off: What you say to indicate that they are not active on the next roll of the dice.
- Off and On: Refers to the way that Dealers pays off COME BETS when a new come bet is the same number as one already established.
- On: This means that your bets are working or in action.
- Outside Numbers: Place bets on the 4-10 –5-9.
- Parlay: Adding your winnings to an original bet and wagering it all.
- Pass Line Bet: A wager made on the come out roll in which you are betting that the shooter will make the point.
- Place bet: A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will be rolled before a 7 is rolled.
- Point: The number established by the come out roll.
- Proposition Bet: A wager on one of the bets in the center of the layout.
- Right Better: A player with a bet on the pass line.
- Rack: The grooved rail where you keep your chips.
- Seven Out: Expression when a shooter rolls a seven before making their point thus losing the pass line bet.
- Shooter: The player rolling the dice.
- Snake Eyes: Slang for the number 2. Also called aces.
- Stickman: The dealer with the stick that pushed the dice to the shooter and calls the rolls.
- Toke: Another word for a tip.
- World Bet: A bet on the horn numbers along with any seven. (2-3-11-12)
- Wrong Bettor: A player betting against the shooter.
- Yo or Yo-leven: The word used for rolling an eleven so as to not confuse it with “seven.”