Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands
- Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Held
- Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Per
- Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Sanitizer
- Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Drop
Blackjack odds are percentage figures which represent your probability of losing or winning a hand. They can also represent the house edge or their profit margins as well. Usually probability odds don't mean much on the short term, but they clearly average out in the long term and this is why the casinos always win over the long term. A soft hand is when you have an ace in your hand and you can use it as a value of 1 or 11. For example, if you have an ace and a four, that is called a “soft 15”. This way you can hit and if you happen to get a 10, you can change the value of the ace to a one and have 15 again.
Blackjack Risk Manager
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Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Held
Windows Software by John Austin
Blackjack Risk Manager (BJRM) is a “calculator-type” utility program thatautomatically and instantly performs several complicated blackjack risk-relatedstatistical calculations, providing you with the facts you need to manage your blackjack“risk.”
BJRM can be used to provide the “answers” to many very important blackjackrisk-related questions, such as:
What is the Risk-of-Ruin of my trip/session, and my total playing bank?
What is my probability of being ahead by $2,000, sometime during my next 16 hours of play?
Exactly how much bank do I need if I am willing to tolerate a 7.5% risk-of-ruin? What if Ichange that to 5%?
Within my spread, at which counts do I place the bets in order to maximize the rate of mybankroll growth?
What is the “$ hourly win rate” that a specified game will yield?
How would things change if I got in more “hands per hour”?
OK, I played 6 hours last weekend, and lost $5,000. How rare of an event was that?
Which is the “better” game to play, an H17 DAS 2-deck 70 card penetration game,played “all” with a 1-6 spread, or a back-counted S17 DAS LS 1-8 spread gamewhere 4.5 decks of 6 are dealt?
And many, many more — just as interesting and illuminating.
Most risk questions can be answered with very little text entry, simply by selecting andmouse-clicking on the program’s built-in choices. To perform many of thecalculations, Blackjack Risk Manager needs to be supplied with only two values: Win Rateper 100 hands and Standard Deviation (SD) per 100 hands, both expressed in units.
Win Rate and SD values can be readily obtained from several sources, such as: valuespublished in blackjack literature; values from simulations run by blackjack simulatorprograms on the market; and, perhaps most importantly, from two places within BJRM itself!
First, Tab 3 of BJRM has the Win Rate and SD values of over 100 different blackjack gamescenarios, built-in. These feature multiple combinations of decks-in-play, rules,penetration levels, and bet spreads — including back-counting. It is very likely thatone of those combinations is close to the game you are interested in. And BJRM
’s built-in Win Rate and SD values are very precise, as they were each calculatedbased on actual simulation runs of over 400,000,000 rounds. The Tab 3 values feature aHi-Lo player using the “Illustrious 18” and “Fab 4” strategydepartures, and are, in fact, the actual results from the simulations run for Chapter 10of Don Schlesinger’s classic book, Blackjack Attack: Playing the Pros’ Way.[Note: If you are not familiar with Don’s book, you should be! You will find BJRM tobe an excellent complement to Blackjack Attack, and vice versa]. However, Tab 3 even goesbeyond Chapter 10 data, to include a complete set of data for 8-deck Games!
Second, Tab 4, which I have dubbed the “One-Second Simulator”, is potentiallyeven more valuable to the user than Tab 3. The One-Second Simulator allows you to inputyour own bet pattern, rather than use the ones detailed in Chapter 10 of BA: PTPW.Additionally, you can use data from counting systems other than the Hi-Lo, as, currently,the K-O and the UBZII are also supported. Future releases of BJRM will likely add supportfor other systems, as well. Tab 4 also contains a very valuable feature that, when given aspecific bet spread (1-4, 1-12, etc), will automatically compute the best placement ofthose bets – in order to optimize the growth rate of your bankroll. And it does sofor both “play-all” and “wonging.”
I have tried very hard to write Blackjack Risk Manager in such a way as to make atraditional, hard-copy User Guide unnecessary. In addition to this Help File, BJRM hasvery extensive automatic real-time “help,” in that, as the mouse cursor isplaced over the text and data on the screen, a “status line” along the bottomdisplays all the descriptions and/or instructions you will likely need to put the programthrough its paces. And when you are thoroughly familiar with the program (in no time atall) you can even “turn off” the status help text, if you like.
So “install,” and then dig in, explore, and enjoy — Blackjack Risk Manager.You need never be surprised by the “ups and downs” of blackjack risk, again!
- John Auston 1998
BJRM (c) John M. Auston 1998-2002
Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Per
Last Update 04/03/05
Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Sanitizer
Blackjack Win Rate Per 100 Hands Drop
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